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Lojban coffeeshop

Bowing to Veijo on the title, but preferring to keep subjects understood.

In all the rampant discussion of this topic, of which I approve, i ask that p
people remember that there are others interested in this effort that are not
on the net, and indeed they include the people who wrote the coffeeshop
description thus far, and proposed the approach that I described in the
initial message.

I'm going to ask that people not go too far away from the original idea
without getting their agreement (which I suspect is not too likely), or the
resentm,ent (already significant) of non-netters toward the domiantion of
Lojban by net people will grow, which noone wants.

The plan is that there be 1 coffeshop, and that the description be suitably
refined in English.  People will develop refined descriptions of 6 characters
(or some other number if we abandon the 6 cultures idea - but I don't think
you can have a 'cultureless person' and have the character detail that I think
the others want in the shared characters), which will then be voted on, which
means the characters must also be defined in English.

After we have the basic scenario settled, the material can be translated into
Lojban, and people can set up teleconferences of whatever kind to help each
other in writing, or whatever, but while the project is still in the formative
stage, we must make provision for those who want to learn Lojban but haven't
yet done so, and for those who do not have net access (which is 90% of the

Be that as it may, I recognize that most of the work will be done by people
on net, and we should take advantage of the opportunity for rapid
communication.  But please be considerate of those who want to particpate
but cannot.

If people think they can develop interesting culture-free characters, I for
one will await the first posted character description meeting the challenge.
