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RE: la <selbri> (was: gadri )


>Here's a challenge: a person's name is "Hunter of Butterflies". Translate
>into Lojban, preserving the essential feature that the hunting is
>restricted to butterflies.  In other words, a tanru like "butterfly hunter"
>is not sufficient.
Is this just the English/USAn dichotomy springing up again. To me that is a
perfectly good name that has nothing to do with either hunting or
lepidoptera - I have several friends whose name is 'Hunter', and if one of
them had a house/farm/whatever called Butterflies, he could easily be
referred to as 'Hunter of Butterflies'. Again the real reason is the fact
that English overloas its cmavo horrendously, the several uses of 'of' are
almost disjoint in meaning.

Chris Handley                                     chandley@otago.ac.nz
Dept of Computer Science                       Ph     (+64) 3-479-8499
University of Otago                           Fax     (+64) 3-479-8577
Dunedin, NZ

      "Bet you 3 to 1 that fixing that bug will introduce three more"