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more Eaton, anyone?

Here are 4 more pages of Eaton

Eaton pg204

avenger                 (G) Ra:cher     (S) vengador
customhouse officer     (F) douanier    (G) Zo:llner, Zollbeamte
                        (S) aduanaero
improvise               (S) improvisar
inkwell                 (F) encrier     (G) Tintenfass  (S) tintero
setting (n)(of sun, etc.)       (F) coucher (n) (G) Untergang   (S) fondo
specify                 (S) especificar
unchangeable, immutable (S) inmutable
woodwork                (F) boiserie    (G) Ta:felung
                        (S) entablado, maderamen

accusative              (S) accusative
adverb                  (S) adverbio
Belgian                 (F) belge, flamand (thereby suggesting a distinct
        concept (Flemish)
bookseller              (S) librero
brutality               (F) brutalite'  (G) Roheit
cartridge               (F) cartouche   (G) Patrone     (S) cartucho
expulsion               (S) expulsio'n
idealism                (S) idealismo
indiscretion, imprudence (S) imprudencia        (G) Taktlosigkeit
innate                  (S) innato
insurgent (n)           (F) insurge' (n)        (G) Aufsta:ndische
                        (S) insurgente, insurrecto
islander                (S) insular, islen~o
Jesuit                  (S) jesuita
multiplicity            (S) multiplicidad       (G) Mannigfaltigkeit
obelisk                 (S) obelisco
ostentation             (G) Gepra:nge   (S) ostentacio'n
pigeonhole              (S) casier      (G) Fach        (S) encasillado
realist                 (S) relaista
upstart                 (F) parvenu(-e) (n)     (G) Emporko:mmling
                        (S) advenedizo

Eaton p205

affected                (F) affecte', affecter, manie're (G) affektiert
                        (S) artificioso
garlic                  (F) ail         (S) ajo         (G) Knoblauch
tablecloth              (F) nappe       (G) Tischtuch   (S) mantel

administrative          (G) Verwaltungs-        (S) administrativo
aggressor               (S) agresor
billion                 (F) milliard
neatness                (F) nettete'    (G) Sauberkeit  (S) esmero, limpieza
sceptic (adj)           (G) skeptisch, ungla:ubig       (S) esce'ptico
shorthand, stenography  (G) Stenographie        (S) taquigrafia
sortie (military)       (F) sortie      (G) Ausfall     (S) salida
stupor                  (F) stupeur     (G) beta:ubung
                        (S) estupefaccio'n, estupor
undecided               (G) unentschieden       (S) indeciso

cipher(vb)              (S) cifrar
ermine                  (S) armin~o
expansive               (S) expansivo
frivolity               (G) Leichtsinnigkeit
                        (S) ligereza, devaneo, liviandad
(all 3 Spanish words are listed as much more frequent than the English;
is there a distinction, Jorge??)
generalize              (S) generalizar
geometric               (S) geome'trico
inexpressible, ineffable        (F) indicible   (G) unsa:glich
                        (S) inefable, indecible
penetration             (G) Durchdringung       (S) penetracio'n
predisposed, predispose (F) disposer (d')avance, pre'disposer
                        (G) veranlagt   (S)predispuesto
psychological           (S) psicolo'gico
stiffness, rigidity     (F) raideur     (G) Starre      (S) rigidez
syndicate               (S) sindicado   (F) syndicat
                        (I think a culturally neutral word for "Mafia"
                        would be in order, given that the term is used in Russia
                        for the organized criminals, with no suggestion of
                        Italian background.  Also perhaps one for kids' gangs
                        or "crews" moth criminal and non-criminal
                        (i.e. Boy Scouts ???)

Eaton p 206

arcade                  (G) Laube, Laubengang   (S) arcada
armpit                  (F) aisselle    (G) Achselho:hle        (S) axila
barrenness, sterility   (G) Unfruchtbarkeit     (S) esterilidad
candidacy               (S) candidatura
crater                  (S) cra'ter
diplomacy               (S) diplomacia
estuary                 (G) Fo:rde      (S) ria
hussar                  (F) hussard     (G) Husar       (S) hu'sar
impertinence            (F) impertinence        (G) Frechheit, Unverfrorenheit
intuition               (G) Eingebung   (S) intuicio'n
mobility                (F) mobilite'   (G) Beweglichkeit
                        (S) flexibilidad
phoenix                 (S) fe'nix
superhuman              (G) u:bermenschlich     (S) sobrehumano
trellis                 (F) espalier    (G) Spalier     (S) enrejado
volt  (needs a lujvo)

attorney-general        (G) Staatsanwalt        (S) procurador general

anonymous               (S) ano'nimo
archipelago             (S) archipielgo
bodice                  (F) corsage     (G) Mieder      (S) jubo'n
collective              (S) colectivo
composer                (G) Komponist   (S) compositor
conjugal                (G) ehelich     (S) conyugal
infinity                (S) infinidad
jurisprudence           (G) Rechtspflege        (S) jurisprudencia

Eaton p207

pedant                  (S) pedante
setting (adj)           (F) couchant    (S) ponienente  (G) untergehen
in shorthand            (G) stenographisch
thinker                 (F) penseur     (G) Denker      (S) pensador
        (I think that this is something more than merely lo pensi)

biblical                (S) biblico
contradictory           (G) widersprechend      (S) contradictorio
dreamer                 (F) re'veur     (G) Tra:umer    (S) son~ador
        (likewise this one and lo senva)
flexibility             (F) souplesse   (G) Schmiegsamkeit      (S) flexibilidad
optimism                (S) optimismo
proscribe               (G) a:chten     (S) proscribir
reconstitute            (G) erneue(r)n  (S) reconstituir, reconstruir

applicable              (G) anwendbar   (S) aplicable, extensivo
brushwood               (F) broussaille (G) Untewrholz  (S) maleza
idyll                   (S) idilio
Musselman (i.e. Moslem) (S) musulma'n
Peruvian (adj)          (S) peruano
refractory              (F) re'fractaire        (G) wiederspenstig
                        (S) reacio, refractario
urgency                 (G) Eile        (S) urgencia
vice-president          (S) vicepresidente

impetuosity             (G) Ungestu:m   (S) impetu
incompatible            (G) unvereinbar (S) incompatible
irreparable             (G) unheilbar   (S) irremediable


>From here on forward, the number of words per page starts getting more
dense, so we will get fewer pages per chunk; i.e. pg 202-3 have 54 words
between them, and by p180-1, we have 83 words in 2 pages.  I may have to
get more selective about adding other-language translation, so I need to
ask whether people are ever getting anything out of the French or
German.  (I am presuming that the Spanish is helpful to Jorge,
especially for some of these really obscure words - never heard of
"brushwood" or "hussar" myself).
