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Re: TECH: re'enai and the emotion classifiers (long)

lojbab quotes me and comments:

>AP> While this may be the most frequent misunderstanding of the term,
>AP> I reject the cultural bias and denounce the ignorance that this
>AP> "definition" embodies.
>AP> Atheism is the religious belief that God does not exist.
> I hate to say it, but this definition is culturally biased in
> exactly the same way mine was.  The belief that "God" does not
> exist PRESUMES some definition of God, and the definition that
> is generally intended is that of the Judeo-Christian god, at
> least when the term is used by those brought up under
> Judeo-Christian traditions.

Wrong!  The definition I offered of atheism is not bound to the
Judeo-Christian traditions.  The disbelieved god is any and all
"personal gods" where "personal god" refers to a divine being
with a personality.  The really big error in my definition is
that I left out the '(s)'.  The God(s) denied by the atheist are
not only the Christian Trinity and Yahweh, but Allah and the
God(s) of the Hindus, of Zoroastrianism, of the ancient Greeks,
of the ancient Romans, of the ancient Egyptians, of the Norse.
Belief that any devine person can exist disqualifies the believer
from being an atheist.

    thank you all,
    Arthur Protin

Arthur Protin <protin@usl.com>
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