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Re: TECH: Quantifiers (was: cukta)

la xorxes. di'e cusku
> Since zo'e may represent a sumti not explicitly stated because
> it is obvious from context, I conclude that {ro lo klama} may
> mean "all the goers to the place obvious from context". This is
> very nice, because that's what one often means. (The use of
> {le} is a different matter, I know it will let me get away with
> anything.)

> I don't have to specify what's obvious from context, and
> I don't have to fear that a cooperative listener will interpret
> it as "all goers to anywhwere", even if she is very strict with
> semantics.

> I suspect that my reasoning is wrong, why?

I don't understand your problem - your reasoning looks fine to me.
Just because it's veridical, doesn't mean it has to be precise. %~>

mi'e .i,n.