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Re: Question about story

la kris. cusku di'e

> >.i kurji catlu mu'i le nu noda zgana
> It looks to me like this would mean "She looked around carefully
> because no one was watching". I am guessing what is meant is "She
> looked around carefully to make sure no one was watching"
> I thought "mu'a" meant "because".  Where am I going wrong with this?

"mu'i" means specifically "with-motive", so the gloss is "She looked around
with-motive the event-of nobody watching."  But this form is an error on
my part.  Your interpretation is correct, but goes beyond my text; I should
have written something like "kurji catlu mu'i lenu birti ledu'u noda zgana".

There are four kinds of "because" in Lojban: ri'a "with-cause", mu'i
"with-motive", ki'u "with-justification", ni'i "because-of-logical-argument"

"mu'a", OTOH, means "for example".

John Cowan		sharing account <lojbab@access.digex.net> for now
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.