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(off-list) BAI as selbri tcita

I have started working through all BAIs using them as selbri tcita.
I have tried to invent reasonable examples of their use in the simplest
of bridi. The English translations are not intended to be exact as it
is often rather difficult to convey the precise modal meaning in a
reasonably simple way. They are presently more like the keywords in the
gismu list. There are some suggestions for idiomatic usage (ko'a sebau
tavla = he speaks the language i.e. in the language of someone). In many
cases the converted forms allow a rather precise differentiation of meaning
as compared to English. Sometimes the translations - perhaps mistakenly -
suggest a meaning akin to a sumti tcita of the form {BAI zo'e} or {BAI da}.
I don't think this is a very grave mistake although I'm mainly trying to use
it as a kind of crutch to aid in getting at the essence - a modal shift in
the meaning of the basic bridi, a shift mostly not available in English or

Having worked through the set I think this type of selbri tcita forms an
important and often extremely powerful expressional device. It takes a bit
getting used to as most BAI don't translate very readily - one must in a way
learn to sense the shift, to grok it in Lojban instead of trying to translate
to some other tongue. I think a modal shift is both subtler and better defined
than the related tanru as both components retain their meanings.

I'm still working both on the examples and the 'translations', so I'm not yet
posting this to the list.



     ko'a ba'i cliva       (he leaves) being replaced [by someone]
     ko'a seba'i cliva     (he leaves) instead [of someone]
     ko'a teba'i zifre     (he is free) [to the extent of being]
                           replacable [under some circumstances]

     ko'a bai klama        (he comes) compelled / under compulsion
     ko'a sebai tavla      (he speaks) compellingly 

     ko'a bau bacru        (he utters something) in a language
     ko'a sebau tavla      (he speaks) [in] the language
     ko'a tebau kakne      (he is capable) linguistically [/of
                           linguistic expression]

     le notci be'i zvati   (the message is present) sent [by someone]
     ko'a sebe'i litru     (he travels) transferring [something]
     ti tebe'i notci       (this is a message) going sent [to somewhere]
     di'e vebe'i se tirna  (the following is heard) coming sent [from
     di'e xebe'i se djuno  (the following is known about) coming sent
                           [via some medium]

     ko'a ca'i cliva       (he leaves) authorized [by someone]
     ko'a seca'i minde     (he commands) with authority [over something]
     ko'a teca'i minde     (he commands) with authority [based on something]

     ti cau sarcu          (this is necessary) being lacked [by someone]
     ko'a secau jmive      (he lives) in lack

     ti ci'e sarcu         (this is necessary) systemwise
     ti seci'e jendu       (this is an axle) with systemic function
     ti teci'e lenjo       (this is a lense) complex of some system components

     di'e ci'o vajni       (the following is important) emotionally [felt
                           by someone]
     ko'a seci'o tavla     (he speaks) emoting
     ko'a teci'o tavla     (he speaks) having emotion about something

     ti ci'u bancu         (this is beyond something) scalarly
     ko'a seci'u cadzu     (he walks) [on scale] measuringly

     di'e cu'u se tirna    (the following is heard) as said [by someone]
     ti secu'u pixra       (this is a picture) in an expressive way
     ti tecu'u lisri       (this is a story) as told to someone
     mi di'e vecu'u djuno  (I know the following) expressed in [some] medium

     di'e de'i se ciska    (the following is written) dated / with a date
     ko sede'i klama       (he comes) on the same date

     mi di'o zgana         (I observe) at the locus [of something]
     ko'a sedi'o gunka     (he works) at the point [/some specific locus]
     ko'a tedi'o zvati     (he is present) within [some] range

     mi du'i citka         (I eat) equally much
     ti sedu'i nandu       (this is) equally (difficult)
     ti tedu'i se cuxna    (this is chosen) as an equal [in some property]

     ti du'o ckape         (this is) known (to be dangerous)
     ko'a sedu'o zukte     (he acts) knowingly [/knowing some facts]
     ko'a tedu'o tavla     (he speaks) knowingly [/knowing about something]
     di'e vedu'o jicmu     (the following is) an epistemological (basis)

     ko'a fa'e cliva       (he leaves) on the contrary
     ko'a sefa'e tugni     (he agrees) in reversal [of something]

     ko'a fau sanga        (he sings) at the occasion

     ti fi'e melbi         (this is beautiful) being created [by someone]
     ko'a sefi'e ciska     (he writes) creatively
     ti tefi'e lisri       (this is a story) created for someone

     ti ga'a glare         (this is hot) observervably [by someone]
     ko'a sega'a catlu     (he looks) observingly
     ti tega'a porpi       (this is broken) observably [by some means]
     ko'a vega'a badri     (he is sad) observably [under some conditions]

     ti gau porpi          (this is broken) by some active agent
     ko'a segau catke      (he pushes) actively [in doing something]

     ko'a ja'e minde       (he commands) with [some] result
     ko'a seja'e fraxu     (he forgives) as a result [of something]

     le vorme ja'i ganlo   (the door is closed) due to some rule
     mi di'e seja'i cusku  (I write the followng) prescribingly [something
                           by rule]
     mi teja'i zifre       (I am free) by rule in something

     mi ji'e kakne         (I am able) up to [some] limit
     seji'e banzu          (enough!) as a limit of something
     ti teji'e glare       (this is hot) limitedly

     ko'a ji'o kelci       (he plays) under direction [of someone]
     ko'a seji'o zukte     (he acts) controllingly
     ko'a teji'o zvati     (he acts) in a controlled way [in something]

     di'e ji'u jetnu       (the following is) fundamentally (true) [/based
                           on something]
     di'e seji'u cusku     (the following expresses something) in support

     tu ka'a te djuno      (Something is known about that over there) being
                           gone to [by someone]
     ko'a seka'a cadzu     (he walks) with some destination
     ti teka'a bloti       (that is a boat) come from some origin
     ko'a veka'a virnu     (he is brave) having come via some route
     ko'a xeka'a virnu     (he is brave) having come by some transport mode

     ko'a ka'i tugni       (he agrees) represented [by someone] / by proxy
     ko'a seka'i zvati     (he is present) on behalf [of someone]
     ti teka'i jecta       (this is a polity) represented [in something]

     ti kai blanu          (this is blue) characterizing something
     ti sekai blanu        (this is blue) characteristically

     ko'a ki'i te djuno    (something is known about him) as a relation 
     ti seki'i finpe       (this is a) related (fish)
     ko'a teki'i vitke     (he is a guest) with some relation

     ko'a ki'u fengu       (he is angry) with reason
     di'e seki'u banzu     (the following suffices) as reason [for
     ti koi cmalu          (this is small) bounded by something
     ti sekoi se zbasu     (this is built) as a boundary [of something]
     ti tekoi se zbasu     (this is built) bordering / next to something

     ti ku'u vajni         (this is important) in [some] culture / culturally
     ti seku'u vajni       (this is important) in the culture [of someone]

     mi lau gunka          (I work) somewhat
     ti sela'u mutce       (this is much) as a quantity [of something]
     ti tela'u banzu       (this suffices) as a quantity [on some scale]

     ti le'a vajni         (this is important) classwise
     ti sele'a barda       (this is large) as a category [of something]
     ti tele'a sepli       (this is separate) classwise [defined by some

     ko'a li'e klama       (he comes) led [by someone]
     ko'a seli'e klama     (he comes) leading [someone]
     ko'a teli'e klama     (he comes) led [in some sequence]

     ti ma'i vajni         (this is important) contextually (/in some
                           reference frame)
     di'e sema'i vajni     (the following is important ) as a standard (for
     ko'a tema'i jinga     (he wins) according to rules

     mi mau ciska          (I write) exceeded by someone
     ko'a semau djuno      (he knows) more [than someone]

     mi me'a ciska         (I write) undercut by someone
     mi seme'a tavla       (I speak) less [than someone]

     ti me'e dinju         (this is a building) with some name / named
     ti seme'e se pilno    (this is used) as a name [for something]
     ti teme'e melbi       (this is beautiful) as a name [to someone]

     ko'a mu'i klama       (he comes) motivated (/because of some motive)
     di'e semu'i se pilno  (the following is used) as a motive [for something]

     di'e mu'u jitfa       (the following is false) by example
     dei semu'u se pilno   (this bridi is used) as an example [of something]
     dei temu'u cnino      (this bridi is new) as an example [in some set]
     di'e ni'i jetnu       (the following is) logically (true) [/because of
                           some logic]
     di'e seni'i fatci     (the following is a fact) implying something
     di'e teni'i drani     (the following is correct) as implied by some rules

     ko'a pa'a klama       (he comes) in addition
     ti sepa'a se pilno    (this is used) similarly [to something]
     ti tepa'a se cuxna    (this is chosen) similarly [in some pattern]
     ti vepa'a blanu       (this is blue) similarly [by some std]
     ti pa'u sarcu         (this is necessary) partially
     ti sepa'u sarcu       (this is necessary) as a part [of something]

     ti pi'o sarcu         (this is necessary) being used [by someone]
     mi sepi'o kakpa       (I dig) using some tool
     ti tepi'o kansa       (this comes with) being used [for some purpose]

     ko'a po'i klama       [they come] sequentially
     ti sepo'i se zbasu    (this is built) in (some) order
     ti tepo'i se setca    (these are inserted) sequenced [from some
                           unordered set]

     ko'a pu'a cisma       (he smiles) pleased [by something]
     ko'a sepu'a cisma     (he smiles) in order to please

     mi pu'e finti         (I create) by some process
     mi sepu'e ciska       (I write) processing from some inputs
     mi tepu'e katna       (I cut) processing into some outputs
     mi vepu'e finti       (I create) stagewise [/passing through some stages]

     ko'a ra'a prenu       (he is a person) concerned
     ko'a sera'a zukte     (he acts) concerning something

     ti ra'i vifne         (this is fresh) from the source
     ti sera'i se pilno    (this is used) as a source [of something]

     ti rai cukta          (this is a book) with some superlative 
     ti serai pixra        (this is a picture) superlative in something
     ti terai fasnu        (this happens) at some extreme
     ko'a verai djuno      (he knows) the most [/superlative among some]

     ti ri'a farlu         (this falls) causally [because of something]
     ko'a seri'a darxi     (he hits) causing something

     ti ri'i censa         (this is holy) experienced by someone
     ko'a seri'i tcidu     (he reads) experiencing something

     mi sau jmive          (I live) requiring something
     ko'a sesau gunka      (he works) necessarily [for something]
     ko'a tesau klama      (he comes) necessarily [under some conditions] /
                             (he is) is bound to (come)

     ko'a si'u klama       (he comes) aided [by someone]
     ko'a sesi'u klama     (he comes) assisting [someone]
     ko'a tesi'u gunka     (he works) assisting [in something]

     ko'a tai gunka        (he works) methodically
     ti setai vajni        (this is important) methodologically [/as a method
                           for something]
     ti tetai vajni        (this is important) methodologicaly [/as a method
                           under some conditions]

     ko'a ti'i sanga       (he sings) suggested [by someone]
     ko'a seti'i tavla     (he talks) suggestively
     ti teti'i tadji       (this is a method) suggested [to someone]

     ti ti'u fasnu         (this is an event) associated with the time
     ko'a seti'u klama     (he comes) simultaneously
     mi teti'u cliva       (I leave) on the date of time [needs context]
     do veti'u zvati       (you are present) at the loc of time [needs context]

     ko'a tu'i gidva       (he is a guide) associated with the site
     ti setu'i se pilno    (this is used) as a location [of something]

     ti va'o porpi         (this breaks) conditionally [/under some conditions]
     ti seva'o lenku       (this is cold) as conditions [for something]

     ko'a zau zvati        (he is present) as approved [by someone]
     ko'a sezau tavla      (he speaks) approvingly

     ti zu'e porpi         (this is broken) by someone [active agent]
     ko'a sezu'e sidju     (he helps) actively [employing some means]
     ko'a tezu'e ctuca     (he studies) actively [with some goal]