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Re: buffer vowel

> Paolo:

Well, actually "Paulo".

> I'll ask a straightforwarder question: which lgs have Lojban's 7
> vowel system (taking /%/ to be centred on central [I-])?

> How about Rumanian?

> Do you know whether you can get 7-way minimal pairs (minimal
> septuples)? Is there some environment where all 7 vowels contrast,
> and the full brunt of the contrast is borne by vowel quality?
> [Speaking phonologically.]

Eeech, wait, I'm not a professional linguist, nor a Romanian language
teacher :-) You mean something like *{ba b\u{a} be bi b\^i bo bu} ?
My Romanian dictionary and grammar are not at hand by now, but looking
up them would take a lot of time, anyway.

> I have no idea of the answer.

Hmm, I haven't either. Isn't there a Romanian lojbanist on the net?

co'o mi'e paulos.

    Paulo S. L. M. Barreto  --  Software Analyst  --  Unisys Brazil
    Standard disclaimer applies ("I do not speak for Unisys", etc.)
                       e'osai ko sarji la lojban.