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Re: comments on CONN.TXT

la .and. cusku di'e

> > 11. "The place structure of "casnu" is: the mass x1 discusses/talks about
> > x2 so the x1 place must be occupied by a mass". This seems nonsensical,
> > unless the x1 of casnu is merely arbitrarily required to be a mass. So
> > far as I can tell, only gunma's x1 needs to be a mass.

la xorxes. cusku di'e

> {casnu} is supposed to mean something like "x1 interchange opinions
> about x2". It doesn't make much sense to have a single person casnuing,
> unless they are talking to themselves. The restriction to being a mass
> is nothing but that, I think.

At one point it was intended to make the x1 of "casnu" a set, but someone
(Nora?) pointed out that people may participate in a discussion without
actually talking, so that a mass is a good model.  Also, a discussion may
continue with various people arriving or leaving without losing its identity.

The main reason for not using an individual is that "le prenu cu casnu"
would mean that >each< of them is discussing: begging the question
"With whom?"

John Cowan					cowan@ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.