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Re: 2Re: CPE: la DAOdeiJIN

> > I wonder, though, if the final could be chosen depending on the tone,
> > so that it won't be lost in the lojbanisation.)
> The hypothetical derivation of tones from lost finals in Old Chinese
> would suggest "-x" for Mandarin third tone and "-s" for Mandarin fourth
> tone (Middle Chinese tones 3 and 5 respectively), but I don't know what
> to suggest for 1st and 2nd tone.

The Chinese have names for the tones which are just ordinary words.  The only
two I can remember off-hand are qu4 (to go), the fourth tone, and hing1 (light),
the neutral tone.  These would suggest tc from tcu and x from xin, respectively.

co'omi'e dn.