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la .and. cusku di'e

> If you & John agree that the
> identity of the referent of {le} shd always be known to the speaker,
> then I guess we can use John's old method (something about Orwat being
> a spy? - it had to do with spies, anyway):
>    da zou koa krici leduu da brode (gie da broda)

Ortcutt, Bernard J. Ortcutt, a pillar of the community, of whom our hero Ralph
is glad to assert "Ortcutt is no spy".  The man Ralph has seen sneaking around
the defense plant, OTOH, Ralph does believe to be a spy.  Unbeknownst to
Ralph, these men are one and the same.  So:

	Ralph believes that Ortcutt is a spy (transparent)


	Ralph believes that Ortcutt is no spy (opaque)

John Cowan					cowan@ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.