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*response to old posting by Paulo on formal unambiguity

>But speaking of usefulness, the starting point of this discussion was to
>show in formal language theoretical terms that Lojban is unambiguous (up
>to now, I only know that by faith :-) As you perhaps know, John Cowan
>recently discovered a structural ambiguity (something like a "dangling
>bo") that was hidden by the complex preprocessing performed by the
>Lojban parser, so my faith in Lojban's unambiguity is a bit disturbed

Let me clarify that what Cowan discovered was NOT a structural
ambiguity, but an implementation error (not the first we have found) in
which the unambiguous YACC grammar would generate a parse different from
what we had intended, and different from, for example, the E-BNF
abbreviated form.  In other words, the grammar was not ambiguous, just
different from what we thought it was, and from what we would want it to

Now, I don't know how Cowan generates his parser.  It might be possible
that since he doesn't use YACC to generate the lexer/preparser, there
might be stuff introduced into the parser that is not in strict accord
with the YACC grammar.

The E-BNF is of course NOT verified unambiguous, and indeed someone
recently pointed out to Cowan a raft of minor errors and inconsistencies
with the YACC grammar (I am not sure how all these have been resolved,
but am sure that Cowan will post on it eventually).

Someone who looked at this a few years ago - it might have been Doug
Landauer - said that he thought that if we wrote the Lojban grammar and
parser either using an LALR(3) or LALR(4) process, the number of hacks
that would be still be needed would be very few, and the grammar could
be significantly simplified.  He was toying with the idea of writing a
special purpose LR(4) YACC-equivalent as a tool for such an effort.
Never went anywhere, perhaps at least partially because we were sure it
would take longer to write and debug the programs and the grammar than
we thought it would take before we would finish the books.  On that we
were probably wrong, but we did have a baseline commitment to keep as
well, and it is useful that there are versions of YACC all over
everywhere so we aren't locked into one person's work.
