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Re: Newcomer's questions

la martn. cusku di'e

> coi mi'e martn.


> 1-2 LogFlash, which I downloaded from Finland, won't run: it
> just sends a lot of control codes and hangs. What have I done wrong?

I just downloaded a copy from the server and it seems to work as
expected (even within the DOSEMU of Linux). Did you remember to
specify BINARY mode download? Most DOS ftp programs default to ASCII.
I also tried ASCII mode download, and UNZIP produced - even then -
an apparently working executable (there were a couple of error
messages during the unzipping, however, and some of the files were

Here is the list of contents of the zip-file (Length = original size,
i.e. what you ought to have after unzipping; Size = zipped size;
UNZIP (or PKUNZIP) does a CRC check to make sure that the unzipped
file matches the original):

 Length  Method   Size  Ratio   Date    Time   CRC-32     Name
 ------  ------   ----  -----   ----    ----   ------     ----
  33792  Deflate  26347  22%  08-20-95  14:58  4389b8ec   engndx.fl1
  33792  Deflate  25904  23%  08-20-95  14:58  a61d9fa8   lgndx.fl1
 245760  Deflate  70786  71%  08-20-95  14:58  d9e7ff18   logdata.fl1
 101968  Deflate  37470  63%  09-22-91  20:32  c2347106   lf.exe
   4138  Deflate   2064  50%  08-20-95  15:19  0ad79f2f   readme.net
  10855  Deflate   4237  61%  08-20-95  15:30  0113b2ec   logflash.doc
 ------          ------  ---                              -------
 430305          166808  61%                              6

  co'o mi'e veion