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Re: Philosophy

> Well, everything which is a subject of philosophical study is "se
> cmupeiseljibri", so the whole field of study should be "loi se
> cmupeiseljibri" or "lo'i se cmupeiseljibri" (I'm not sure which of them).
> Philosophy as an activity is "zu'o cmupeiseljibri", isn't it? I.e., that
> what philosophers do.
> And as a corpus, I think it's a kind of achievement, so it should be "mu'e
> cmupeiseljibri".
> Esteban Flamini

I like that place structure, but I don't see why to go to great lengths
with "has the job of thinking about..." when there's no particular reason
to imply actual employment.  One doesn't generally hire philosophers as
one does plumbers, so jibri doesn't seem quite right.  One hires teachers
of philosophy, but their actual job is teaching, not philosophizing.  His
students are just as much philosophers as he is.

I agree that the process/product distinction you mention is important
to emphasize, but that's another reason I prefer tadni to saske.  If
you prefer "jicmu" as the subject of study to my self-refence, then
it becomes "cmutadni" instead of "tadnytadni", but the place structure
remains the same, where x1 is the studier and x2 a particular subject.

  la xysrl cmutadni la fenomenologis ("Husserl studies the philosophy
      called phenomenology")
  lezu'o cmutadni cu xamgu le menli ("Philosophy (the activity) is good
      for the mind")
  ti cukta lemu'e cmutadni ("This is a book about Philosophy (the body
      of knowledge)")

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com>  <http://www.piclab.com/lcrocker.html>
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