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Re: fu'ivla vs lujvo thread

>On the Amazon...Don McLean....United Artists-UAS 5651 1972
>There's a danger zone-not a stranger zone
>Than the little plot I walk on that I call my home.
>For an eerie sight-weird and scary sight-...

I always heard "full of eerie sights, weird and scary sights".

>Every vicious animal that creeps and crawls and bites
>While velocipedes, among the weeds, will scare you-
>And the menopause, with hungry jaws, ensnare you....
>Frenzied (animals?) infest the hills and slopes..     (couldn't be sure)
>Everyone avoids the deadly stethascopes....
>Oh, the Amazon is calling...yes..the Amazon is calling...
>Oh the Amazon is calling me....

> (Anyone who knows the correct word in the fourth line from the end,
> please let me know.)

"adenoids", to rhyme with "avoids".

Thanks for typing that in.  I've never been able to remember the sequence of the

> lojbab

co'omi'e .airinix.

Irene Gates                                   <70732.244@compuserve.com>
Burlington, Ontario, Canada

"The only two things worth pursuing in this life are love and knowledge;
 everything else just piles up in your garage."
                           (Jeff Duntemann, _Visual Developer_ magazine)