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cmene checker

Found this program in my archives.  It checks for valid cmene, and is
probably pretty close to right.  The commented-out lines are the regexp
from MediaMOO that I developed first and copied from.  I imagine I could do
something slicker with perl these days.



# 3:  nocmen = 
#   "^la%|[aeiouy]la%|^[^a-z.]%|.[^a-z,']%|'$%|[^aeiouy]'%|'[^aeiouy]%![^aeiou]$%
#   |[hqw]%|[bdgjvz][cfkpst]%|[cfkpst][bdgjvz]%|%([bcdfgjklmnprstvxz]%)%1%|[cjs
#   z][cjsz]%|cx%|kx%|xc%|xk%|mz";

echo -n "$*" | egrep -i \
"^la|[aeiouy]la|^doi|[aeiouy]doi|^[^a-z.]|.[^a-z,']|'\$|[^aeiouy]'|'[^aeiuoy]|[aeiouy]\$|[hqw]|[bdgjvz][cfkpst]|[cfkpst][bdgjvz]|[cjsz][cjsz]|cx|kx|xc|xk|mz" > /dev/null || echo -n "$*" | grep -i '\([bcdfgjklmnprstvxz]\)\1' > /dev/null

echo $q
exit $q