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Re: Summary so far on DJUNO

   >    what kind of double check do you want?  i thought Yahoo press
   >    releases were considered defacto truth....

   Let's see. How would we say that in Lojban? Here's a possibility:

           i do djica le mo remei bo cipra
           You want what kind of double-testing?

           i mi krici le du'u jinvi le du'u le nuzba be fi la ia'us cu fatci
           I believed that it is opined that news from Yahoo are facts.

   Any other suggestions? Is that an acceptable use of {fatci}?

Nice.  Yes, I think that is an acceptable use of {fatci}.  You could also
use {jetnu}.

The former, {fatci}, would be used by someone who figures that there
is a truth and he knows it (and gets jumped on by some people on this
list :).  The latter, {jetnu}, might well be used by someone who
figures that you, the listener or reader, know what
standard/epistemology/metaphysics x2 the speaker is using, and if not,
the speaker would be willing to fill in the x2 place.

   I'm not sure how this helps us with {djuno}. Would the x4 be filled
   with "the set of Yahoo press releases", or with "my (or someone's)
   having read a Yahoo press release". The first one could perhaps
   be a metaphysics (stretching it a bit) and the second one would
   be an epistemology (again, stretching it).

The latter -- x1 knows x2 about x3 by {having read a Yahoo press release}.

I don't think that is stretching anything at all, but is exactly as
djuno should be used.


    Robert J. Chassell                    bob@rattlesnake.com
    moved house; new address:
    952 East St., Lenox, MA 01240 USA     +1 (413) 442-7761