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Re: Summary so far on DJUNO

>And, for the sake of completeness, *I think* x4 of djuno tells you
>why X feels so sure that Y is true; x4 is what x1 would tell you
>if you asked x1 why they were so sure.
>On this last point I am in agreement with Lojbab (or rather, with
>the baseline) rather than with John and Jorge, so that rather
>suggests that my opinion is erroneous.

I don't have a problem with the x4 being for the epistemology.
In fact, it makes it more regular, because it's in closer agreement
with the place structure of {jinvi}. We then have the series:

Belief  -  krici
Justified belief  -  jinvi
Justified true belief  -  djuno

My disagreement with Lojbab was about the presupposition
of truth of fact x2. It is now clear that this is independent of
the epistemology: i.e. the knower can come to know that x2 is
true about x3 by different methods, as long as x2 is true.

co'o mi'e xorxes