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Re: more perversity (was Re: more epistemic perversity (wa

At 06:26 PM 2/16/98 GMT+0, And Rosta wrote:
>They do carry weight, if only by sheer bulk. You have written an
>immense volume of mail stating your intent about djuno over and over
>again, and clearly it has carried weight, because you keep on getting
>replied to rather than ignored, even though everyone who has
>contributed to this daft thread is taking the view that is contrary
>to yours.

I happen to agree with lojbab, probably in that he and I seem to share
the same default meaning for the English word "know", while you and
xorxes do not. Which "know" do you mean? There is about 7 of them
after all.

Rob Z.
"...That no government, so called, can reasonably be
trusted for a moment, or reasonably be supposed to have
honest purposes in view, any longer than it depends wholly
upon voluntary support."
--- Lysander Spooner,
    No Treason: the Constitution of No Authority