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years and oscillations

Since we're talking of quantities and units and such, I have a couple
of questions/comments.

First, what goes in the x2 of nanla/nixli/verba, the age of the
Is it the number of years? As in:

            ta verba li se
            That is a child of 7.

If that is correct, then nanla/nixli/verba are simply special cases
of nanca, such that the x1 is restricted to be an immature person,
and in the case of nanla and nixli of a given sex. No problem with that.

My second question is about slilu and tonga:

slilu:  x1 oscillates at rate/frequency x2 through set/sequence-of-states x3
(complete specification).

 tonga:  x1 is a tone/note of frequency/pitch x2 from source x3.

What goes in the x2 place? If we put a number, what are the units
of frequency? For example:

        le gusni cu slilu fi le ka blanu kei ce le ka xunre
        The light oscilates between being blue and being red.

But how do I insert the frequency, say three times per second (3 Hz)?
One possiblity would be:

        le gusni cu slilu li ci le ka blanu kei ce le ka xunre kei
        tela'u le ka nidykemrapli
        The light oscilates with frequency 3 between being blue
        and being red in a scale of repetitions per second.

But if this is right it would seem that the x2 of slilu makes no sense
unless a place is added for the scale. Can that be right?

co'o mi'e xorxes