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Organic quality of language Date: 1 Nov 90 04:03:20 EST (Thu) From: cbmvax!snark.thyrsus.com!lojbab@uunet.UU.NET

   >Am I being Franco/Anglophilic, being used to a separate word for everything?

   Probably not.  But you are being natural-languagic in wanting a word for each
   concept that YOU recognize as a truly distinct from everthing else.  Thus the
   Chinese also make new words for each new concept too, though not as gismu,
   but rather as lujvo.  I see Lojban's lujvo as being much more Chinese type
   of 1-word per concept (ooh neat tanru!! anyone want to try to turn it into 
   Lojban??? Not as easy as it looks.)
   If "rage" means what you say, I would think "animal-like anger" to be more
   definitive a tanru than "animal-anger".

Do you really mean to say that the anger is like an animal,
or that the anger is like the anger of an animal?  The first
is more poetic, but I suspect you meant the second.
