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Day 2

Well, by many rabbinic opinions, today is the anniversary of the third day
of creation, so I'll post my second day now.  Wouldn't want to look like
I'm out-doing the original! :-)  Besides, I didn't post it earlier.

I've made a few changes in my Day 1, predicated on criticisms and my own
re-thinking.  I changed {le cevni} into {la cevni} everywhere (except in
{le cevni pruxi}), 'cause it seems more reasonable.  Also went to {la cevni
cu fedri'a fo le gusni ce le manku}, and dropped the {ka}'s just about
everywhere.  Discussion on {tu'a} to follow some other time.  So here's
Day 2:

la cevni cu bacru lu .e'o jdari ne'i loi djacu
gi'e fendi fi lei djacu ce lei djacu li'u

(new) "god" utters "(command) hard-thing within mass-of water
and divide [(something)] into (a-specific) mass-of water
unordered-set-with (a-specific) mass-of water"

Using {gi'e} here to make both {jdari} and {fendi} apply to the elliptical
{zo'e}.  This implies informally (does *not* necessarily mean, I think),
that the two {zo'e}'s have the same referent.  I think *this* time I have
{fendi} used correctly.  I like the way I use {lei djacu ce lei djacu} to
indicate division between two masses of water; this structure reflects the

.ije la cevni cu zbasu le jdari
And "god" makes the hard-thing

Using {zbasu} here instead of {finti}.  Works well, and the Heb verb is
different from the first.

.ijebo ra fedri'a fo lei djacu poi gapru le jdari ku'o ce lei djacu poi
cnita le jdari
And recent-sumti [(i.e. "god")] divide-causes [(something)] into
the-mass-of water which-restrictively is-above the hard-thing (close rel
clause) unordered-set-with the-mass-of water which-restrictively-is below
the hard-thing.

I'm leaving out {tu'a} here; I have my doubts about it.  I'll write
something on that soon.  The {ku'o} is not elidable here, or it would join
{le jdari} with {lei djacu}.  I really have a ball with terminators on Day
Four, when I have to deal with creating the sun and moon and stars.

.i zasti

My rendition of "And it was so."  I think it's okay, but there may be
something better out there.

.i la cevni te cmene le jdari zo tsani
And "god" is-a-namer of the hard-thing "sky"

Straightforward enough.

.i vanci .i cerni .i remoi djedi
Evening.  Morning.  Second day

Also straightforward.  Now it's "second" instead of "two," because that's
the way it is.  Cope.

Hmmm.  This was a short day.  Maybe I'll post day three today and catch up
with the ol' deity.
