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re: Nitpick

On Fri, 7 Feb 1992 09:22:51 EST, Mark E. Shoulson wrote:
> One good nit-pick deserves another.

true. And I wish more people would post *short* expressions
so I'd have time to nit-pick them, too...

> >.i mi ckire do zu'o do ciksi le piro rafsi zo du
> The first sentence is ungrammatical... You need the "le" to make it a
> sumti.

About 12 hours after posting I suddenly realized, damn, I missed
out the "le" AGAIN!  And I KNOW better...

> ...  I'm also not sure of the semantics of {le piro rafsi zo du}, but I
> *do* know that it has to be something like {ro rafsi *be* zo du}--you mean
> the rafsi of "du", as you have it, he explains all the rafsi _to_ the word
> "du".

Well, testify thee hence, pasted from the gismu file:
> rafsi   affix  x1 is a/the affix for Lojban primitive word x2, with
> consonant/vowel formation x3.

I will confess I have a lot of trouble with lexeme PA in general,
but if "le piro rafsi zo du" doesn't mean "that described as all of
the affixes of `du'," then I'm lost.

> >.i ra'unai mi bacru le mi secmene ta'i lu la deiv. korteizis. li'u
> Second sentence also has trouble:  {le se cmene} is the _thing named_, not
> the name.  The name is {le cmene}...

OK, I see your problem. I wanted to get the "mi" up front and the quote
to the end of the clause and sentence. But the sense of "le" focusses
on whatever is in x1, which after conversion is "mi."  Hence "le mi
secmene..." is "the myself named by..."  Is that what you are getting at?

But how then can one say, "I pronounce my name as <quoted string>"?
Perhaps by recognizing "my" as a restrictive clause?  How about:

        mi bacru le cmene po mi ...

but then what? Where do you stick the lu...li'u that is the real point
of the sentence?
