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oops - forgot the text. Helps to include the lojban text after

Aha!  NOW I see the song!  And I had just discussed it today with someone!

>.ai sanga le selsanga
>ko selsanga sanga

"I have a song to sing-oh!"  "Sing me your song-oh!"

The different speakers do not come through in the Lojban.

Grumble.  Can't remember the next few lines, but I can see why he had
{selci} which was bothering you, Nick:

>.i sanga file lunra falo ramcri fekpre
>poi terbajli'a le casygri
>zi'e noi glekypre je badrytaisma
>gi'e badryselru'i je nalgeiflira
>gi'e citka no selcti gi'e djica no selci
>gi'e cmodji lenu nolni'u prami
>.a'onai ro'i
>.iu.u'anai  .uuse'icai
>gi'e citka no selcti gi'e djica no selci
>gi'e cmodji lenu nolni'u prami

[stuff left out...]
"It's the song of a merryman moping mum
Whose soul was sad and whose glance was glum
Who sipped no sup and who craved no crumb
As he sighed for the love of a lady.
Heighdy, heighdy, Misery me, Lackaday dee
Sipped no sup and he craved no crumb
As he sighed for the love of a lady"

(Yeomen of the Guard, isn't it?)

So I guess {selci} is "crumb".  And that's why he has {djica}, which you
translated as "drinks", Nick, for no reason other than that it seems right,
unless you're watching carefully.  It looks like he was going to fit the
meter, but I can't seem to make that work, knowing the melody.
