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Re: Eaton: You asked for it ...

>  In the
> case of that first word, there are two Spanish equivalents.  If they are
> not completely synonymous, perhaps there are two concepts needing
> separate lujvo.
> buttock                 (F) fesse               (S) anca, nalga
Well, you wouldn't use "anca" for humans, it mostly refers to horses.
(It appears again under "hindquarters", below)
{zargu} covers this right?

> fanaticism              (S) fanatismo
neldu'e (nelci dukse) d1 (d2=nu nelci) n1 n2

> participant,participator(G) Teilnehmer          (S) participante, participe
mimzu'e (cmima zukte) z1=c1 z2 z3 c2
x1 belongs to a group taking action x2 for purpose x3, group x4

> promptitude             (S) prontitud
ka sutra

> royalist                (G) Ko:nigstreue        (S) realista
nolnei (nobli nelci)

> talkative, loquacious   (F) bavard      (G) redselig    (S)parlero
tavnei (tavla nelci)

> estimable               (F,S) estimable         (G) scha:tzbar
selpesxau (se pensi xamgu)
selnelxau (se nelci xamgu)
I'm using -xau for a lot of -able's. I'm not sure this is right.
I can't find anything to mean "worthy of, meriting, deserving" etc.
(Esperanto "-inda") Is there anything for this?

> insuperable             (F) insurmontable (G) unu:bersteigbar (S) insuperable
selgrernalka'e (se pagre na'e kakne) k1=p2 (k2=nu pagre) p1 p3 p4
x1 is unable to be passed through by x2 to dest. x3 from origin x4.
selgrerka'e (se pagre kakne)
x1 is able to be passed through by x2 ...

> irruption               (F) irruption   (G) Einbruch    (S) irrupcio'n
tolcanci (to'e canci) x1 irrupts/appears/materializes in location x2

> patriarchal             (S) patriarcal
ka nakseltru (nakni se turni)
ka nakydzerseltru (nakni dzena se turni)

> explanatory             (G)erkla:rend   (S) explicativo
ka velcki (ve ciksi)

> guillotine              (F) ...
nebterka'a (cnebo te katna)

> inertia                 (G) Tra:gheit   (S) inercia
ka sezmuvra'itra (sevzi muvdu ranji tarti)

> intimidate              (F) intimider   (G) einschu:chtern
some variation of {tepri'a}, {tepygau}, "to scare" in the jvoste

> snuffle, snivel (vb.)   (F) renifler    (S) gimotear, lloriquear
kakymli (klaku milxe) m1=k1 (m2=nu klaku) k2 k2

> spontaneity             (S) espontaneidad
ka rarna

> ugliness                (F) laideur     (G) Ha:sslichkeit (S) fealdad
ka to'e melbi

> widower                 (F) veuf        (S) viudo
mrospe  x1 is/was married to someone who is dead, by law/custom x2
(Why not?)

> journalist              (S) periodista

> prosaic                 (S) prosaico
kampu, malkau

> slowness                (F) lenteur     (G) Langsamkeit (S) lentitud
ka masno

> substitution            (G) Ersetzung   (S) substitucio'n
le nu basgau
le nu basti
le basti (This is really a substitute)

> milkman                 (F) laitier     (S) lechero
ladfai (ladru fatri)

> debatable               (G) streitig    (S) discutible
snuxau (casnu xamgu)
snuka'e (casnu kakne)

> passerby                (F) passant (n) (G) Passant, Vorbeigehende
>                         (S) transeunte
le vazyzdu (va cadzu)

> unforgettable           (S) inolvidable
close enough to {termojyxau}, "memorable".

> brother-in-law          (F) beau-fr`ere (G) Schwager    (S) cun~ado
spebu'a   x1 is a brother of a spouse of x2
me'ispe (or mesyspe)  x1 is married to a sister of x2

Both translate as "x1 is x2's brother-in-law" (for a same-sex marriage, the
second one is {bunspe})

> father-in-law           (F) beau-p`ere  (G) Schweigervater      (S) suegro
spepa'u   x1 is the father of the spouse of x2 under law/etc x3

> hindquarters (horse)    (F) croupe      (G) Kreuz       (S) ancas, anca

> organizer               (S) organizador
le ganzu

> autonomy                (G) Selbstverwaltung    (S) autonomia
ka sezytru (sevzi turni)

> cinema                  (S) cine, cinemato'grafo

> mediocre                (F) me'diocre   (G) mittelma:ssig       (S) mediocre
kampu, nalba'i (na'e banli)

> enviable                (G) beneidenswert       (S)envidiable
seldjixau (se djica xamgu) x1 x2=d1 (x3=d2) d3
(This is really one sense of "desirable", I don't know what "enviable" would

> fatherhood, paternity   (S) paternidad
kazpa'u (ka patfu)

> immorality              (G) Unsittlichkeit      (S) inmoralidad
ka palci

> mobilize                (F) mobiliser   (S) movilizar
sezmuvgau (sevzi muvdu gasnu)

> dryness                 (F) se'cheresse (G) Trockenheit (S) sequedad
ka sudga  (I don't know how to get the metaphorical meaning)

> egoism (egotism?)       (F) e'goisme    (G) Selbstsucht (S) egoi'smo
dudnelkai (dunda nelci ckaji)  generous?
sezyse'u  (sevzi selfu)  egoist?

> poacher                 (F) braconnier  (G) Wilddieb, Wilderer
>                         (S) cazador furtivo
katzei (kalte zekri)  (z1=nu kalte) k1 k2 k3 z2

>  Jorge:  any idea why peruano was
> frequent but the words for Colombian, and Chilean are not

Nope. How were the frequencies determined?

co'o mi'e xorxes