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Several quick questions:

1 - I want to mess around with the yacc grammar for lojban a little.  The
file that's online has a comment in it that says:

   There will be additional comment updates and extensive additions per
   change 19 prior to republication.  The intent is to make the YACC
   grammar much more self-explanatory.

Is this the latest, or has this "change 19" business already been done, and
I'm (once again) looking in the wrong place?

2 - I noticed that the entire source code for the parser is not online.  Is
it available?  For free?  For a charge?

3 - What's the latest wisdom on whether attitudinals are significant to the
logical meaning of a bridi?  If I say ".ianai le gerku cu barda", am I
stating that the dog is big, but that the truth of that fills me with some
kind of sense of disbelief -- or am I saying approximately "I don't believe
the dog is big".

 Chris Bogart        \  /  ftp://ftp.csn.org/cbogart/html/homepage.html
 Quetzal Consulting   \/   cbogart@quetzal.com