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Re: learning English

Lojban would make most of those specialized wordss as borrowings.  The
standard convention for borrowings these days is to prefix the Lojbanized name
(I mean word) with a single rafsi indiicating a category that restricts the

domain of the word.  Thuss "taco" might be djartako, and the listener, if s/he
doesn't know the word, at least can identify that it is some kind of food
(or at least food-related concept).

We also might make distinguishments by prefixing with a cultural word.  Thus,
asssuming that we thought that there might be a difference between the
British  and the American concepts of "faucet/spigot/tap", we might make
a lujvo for the general cxoncept and then prefix one with the rafssi for brito
and the other with the rafsi for merko.
