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Re: comments on CONN.TXT

la xorxes. di'e cusku

>Yes, I'm not saying that {ko} is not useful. Many commands contain {do}
>in the agent place, so {ko} may be a good shortening device. I'm just
>commenting that it is not the general way of doing imperatives.

We have discussed this before, but the way some threads go complex
I don't feel I understand the conclusions :-(

Jorge, are you saying that {ko} is a shorthand for {do e'o}? If so,
isn't it redundant to say "e'osai ko sarji la lojban."?

(Hmm, insisting so fervorously is perhaps not bad :-)

co'o mi'e paulos.

    Paulo S. L. M. Barreto  --  Software Analyst  --  Unisys Brazil
    Standard disclaimer applies ("I do not speak for Unisys", etc.)
                       do e'osai sarji la lojban.