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Re: PLI: aspects of <clivu>

la stivn. cusku di'e

> To what extent should we worry about relativistic considerations? The tense
> operators are very general. In space-time the time dimension has a Sqrt[-1]
> factor when you take the sqrt of the sum of the squares of the differences
> ofthe time-space coordinates as the distance between events.

Aak!  No!  Lojban list once spent a >year< discussing relativistic spacetime
and the so-called "fourth" or "oblivious" tense.  Lojban tenses are subjective:
they refer to the viewpoint of the speaker, not to "objective" time

(If you like, I can send you about 150K of stuff on the subject.)

John Cowan					cowan@ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.