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{ga'inai} error

Oops!  In my message regarding `already', I used {ga'inai} wrongly.

I wrote as if the attitudinal were an English adverb, stated by the
author of the passage, not by the person supposed to be actually

I wrote:

    3. "But the others already came!" said the butler meekly.

      lu .i .ue ku'i lei drata prenu ba'o vitke li'u
      Surprise, however, the mass of other people are in the
        aftermath of visiting.

      la'e di'u se cusku le zdase'u ga'inai
      the last utterance was said by the house-type of servant meekly.

As I wrote, it is I, the author who is speaking humbly.  It actually reads:

      Your humble and unworthy author notes that the
      the last utterance was spoken by the butler.

(Certainly, I ought be humble, for making this mistake! :)

{ga'inai} is an attitudinal expressed by a speaker.

I should have written:

  "But, Sir, the others left!"

  lu .i .ue ga'inai ku'i lei drata prenu ba'o vitke li'u
  "<surprise>, <subservience>, but the others left."

  la'e di'u se cusku le zdase'u
  the last utterance was said by the butler.

In English, we are more likely to say `Your Honor' or `Sir' than say
`lowly me'; or else we indicate status or rank by action or tone of

Alternatively, I could have written the adverb like this:

    .... said by the butler meekly.
    .... meekly said by the butler.

  la'e di'u se cumla cusku le zdase'u
  the last utterance was a modest/humble type of saying by the butler.

    x1 is humble/modest about x2 (abstraction);
    x1 displays humility about x2
    /=/ cumla (cul)

However, as a stylistic matter, I think the expression should be part
of the quotation, not an adverb --- Lojban is different from English.

English lacks written attitudinals; consequently, a written sentence
cannot readily express the emotions and attitudes of the speaker (of
course, a great writer picks words and circumstances so you will
accurately and readily infer them, but that is another matter).  This
means that as a practical matter, an ordinary writer of English simply
tells the audience how the person being quoted is speaking.  In my
case, I wrote that the `butler spoke meekly'.  This told you how the
butler spoke.  But in Lojban, an author can have the butler use
written words to express his attitude.

    Robert J. Chassell               bob@gnu.ai.mit.edu
    25 Rattlesnake Mountain Road     bob@rattlesnake.com
    Stockbridge, MA 01262-0693 USA   (413) 298-4725