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Extra! Extra! Lojban baseline declared!

The annual meeting of the Logical Language Group voted today to declare
the date certain for the formal language baseline completing the Lojban
language design phase.  All material covered by the reference grammar
of the language- the book that has been written by John Cowan - will be
baselined as on 31 December 1996.  The remainder of the language will be
baselined as of 30 June 1997.  Following the latter date, LLG will consider
no changes to the language or language specifications other than typos and
other obvious errors, for a period of at least 5 years, until 30 June 2002.
This will allow sufficient time to build a solid language community and
corpus free from fear that the language would change, forcing relearning and
other changes to text that people write.

The reference grammar publication schedule was discussed.  The final cutoff
for review comments will be 3 September (with minor flexibility allowed
to John Cowan's discretion such that it causes no delay in publication).
John will incorporate all changes, index, and work with others to ensure that
camera-ready copy is ready no later than the baseline date of 31 December
(and we hope, considerably sooner).  The 6 month delay in baselining the
remainder of the language is to allow a period of review of the dictionnary
text prior to it similarly being formatted for printed publication, with
particular focus on the lujvo proposals being included.

The membership recommended a fairly small press run of a higher quality book
for the the first printing of the reference grammar (perhaps 1000 copies),
with later editions hopefully being larger, and being distributed more widely.

lojbab                                                lojbab@access.digex.net
Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA                        703-385-0273
For the artificial language Loglan/Lojban, see powered.cs.yale.edu  /pub/lojban
    or see Lojban WWW Server: href="http://xiron.pc.helsinki.fi/lojban/";