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Re: gismu mupli (was Re: CPE: Corliss Lamont)

> From:          Edward Cherlin <cherlin@NEWBIE.NET>
> >> It probably
> >> won't happen in the first edition of the dictionary, but
> >> I think it would be very useful if in some later edition
> >> we could have a full sentence under every gismu with all
> >> of its places filled.
> >
> >Hearhear. (It wouldn't be necessary for every gismu, though,
> >would it? Not for "gerku", say.)
> Yes, for gerku. How do you specify a breed of dog?

What I was thinking of is that all the animal names have the same
place structure (except, as Jorge once pointed out, for "tiger",
which has a place for the stripes!), so it might be helpful to
define the places for a whole tranche of gismu together.

Incidentally, while we're on the subject of dictionary desiderate,
I would hope that the English-to-Lojban would include "se balci"
(I mean "balcony" - I've no gi`uste to hand) as a possible Lojban
equivalent of "building", and "te tirgu" (or whatever "tiger" is)
under "stripe". Colin Fine did some groundwork for this, but I've
always felt that people think of gismu meanings in terms of their
x1 (I certainly do), and this creates a distortion of what should
be the true picture. What I mean is that "gerku" means "breed of
dog" just as much as it means "dog".
