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vecu'u le notci po'u <883155006.1012228.0@listserv.cuny.edu> la Robin
Turner <robin@BILKENT.EDU.TR> cu cusku di'e
>>Embedded in the grammar translation models, alongside the usual requests for
>>personal information, and so-on, Mr.Kwee gives us a curious portrait of
>>everyday Indonesian life. Allow me to whet your appetite :
>>       How many times did he beat you ?
>>       I fell from the ladder yesterday.
>>       One day our driver fell from the steps.
>>       siksa - menyksa         to torture
>>       He slapped his wife repeatedly.
>>       Ali kicked the dog repeatedly.
>>       Agus, your clothes are dirty, do not sleep in my bed !
>>       He headed a gang of robbers.
>>       The ox was whipped.
>>       The pain cannot be borne
>>       The two gamblers first quarrelled, then they hit each other, and
>>       they stabbed each other.
>>       They gambled to complete exhaustion.
>>       The man who ran amuck screamed (and went on screaming) and shot (and
>went on
>>                               shooting) at those around him.
>Producing a culturally neutral textbook may not be easy!

.i mi selpu'a morji le mupli ke rusko jufra pe loinu mi tadni loi
rukybau ku'o .i ra selfanva fu lu le cribe cati'a bajra mo'izo'i mi li'u
|     Colin Fine    66 High Ash, Shipley, W Yorks. BD18 1NE, UK       |
|  Tel: 01274 592696/0976 635354  e-mail:  colin@kindness.demon.co.uk |
|        "Don't just do something! Stand there!"                      |
|              - from 'Behold the Spirit' (workshop)                  |