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Re: Knowledge & Belief

At 05:35 PM 1/3/98 +0000, Colin Fine wrote:
>vecu'u le notci po'u <883777789.0919010.0@listserv.cuny.edu> la Rob Zook
><rzook@INFORMIX.COM> cu cusku di'e
>>a descriptive tanru "le porpi fau tavla" "the break in the event of=20
>>talking". I also thought that with a tanru like "porpi tavla" that the
>>tanru would take the place structure of tavla since that's what's being
>>modified, so no pieces just unspecified talkers and subject.
>However, it cannot grammatically occur between two brivla.
>There is however a problem with the meaning, as somebody else pointed
>out: porpi means 'smash into pieces', which is not obviously appropriate
>to talk (it could be to 'talker', but that seems unlikely to be your
>meaning zo'o).

Well, in my experience interuptions can have that kind of effect on
the conversation. Someone interjects their own point of view and
fragments a conversation into even more threads, so metaphorically
one can think of that as breaking into pieces.

>My stab at interrupt would be something like setca tavla 'insert talk',
>but there may be a better candidate.

I just was trying to get a close match to "break into the conversation"
which was what I literally meant. "Insert" seems more more emotionally
neutral than "break". Interupting has more emotional nuance to me since
it's usually considered a little rude. So I wanted to say something
like, "excuse me for interupting/butting in/sticking my nose in".

So how would I say something like that? What would you use to build
a tanru meaning "to break into a conversation"?

Rob Z.
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Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
-- Groucho Marx