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Re: Meaning of BAI tags

la kris. di'e cusku
>       Sy. mlatu fi'o selje'u my.
> ...which under my proposal would mean:
>      1) S is a cat, and that's true under epistemology M
> ...but not:
>       2) S is considered a cat under epistemology M (but maybe not under
my own
> epist).

Could we clarify some jargon.  Epistemology is the means of knowing something.
 Metaphysics is the means of determining if something is true.  It should be
 borne in mind that these two concepts are not the same - something can be true
 without anyone knowing it and conversely it can known without being true.

1) S is a cat and the metaphysics that I use to determine that this is true is M
    .i sy. mlatu fi'o selje'u my.
2) S is a cat and I know this by the method E
    .i ledu'u sy. mlatu cu se djuno mi fo .ebu
3) S is a cat by metaphysics M and I know this by E
    .i ledu'u sy. mlatu fi'o selje'u my. cu se djuno mi fo .ebu

no'oco'omi'e dn.