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Re: philosophy

> You have persuaded me that philosophy is a {seltadni},
> a field of study.  I vehemently deny the claim that
> philosophy is a {saske}, a methodically cultivated
> body of knowledge.  And I am reluctant to accept any
> lujvo, such as {tadnytadni}, that applies only to some
> branches of philosophy and not to all.

If there are multiple refents in our language of the word "Philosophy",
wouldn't it be more in the spirit of Lojban (perhaps even required)
to make separate words for them?

I proposed "Tadnytadni" to mean "that thing we do in philosophy
class."  Perhaps the referent of "my philosophy on..." is something
more like a belief, and the referent of "Eastern philosophy" is
something more like "kamprijytoctadni".

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com>  <http://www.piclab.com/lcrocker.html>
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